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Google Will Open Its Own Stores By The End of 2013?

Google Will Open Its Own Stores By The End of 2013?

Rumor has it that Google will willing its own retail stores by the closing of the year, 2013. Such message came from an painfully reliable root who claimed that the prime flagship Google stores will flexible for the holidays in major metropolitan areas.

Google Will Open Its Own Stores By The End of 2013?

Google Will Open Its Own Stores By The End of 2013?

The Google stores chase to limit further Google products to its customers The side surely needs these stores especially this year that a heap of new Google products are to be released Providing the customers with a first-hand experience of their product is body that Google wants to do before the customers purchase such products.Google has Chrome stores, though, within supplementary stores (in hundreds of Best Buy in U.S and 50 in PCWorld/Dixon’s in the UK), so the notion of building their have storeroom is not really new to Google Assisted with Google-trained employees, customers procure to perceive the products that Google market in the aforementioned storesThe source also pointed out that Google is hiring relatives to prosper Point of Sales systems, a token that perhaps, Google is really into fracture its retail stores soonSome of Google’s upcoming products are Google X, the driveless cars and mini-drove enunciation systems .

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